
ThefilmisbasedonthelifeofconvictedspyRobertHanssen.DirectedbyBillyRay(ShatteredGlass),whoco-wrotethescriptwithAdamMazerandWilliam ...,InspiredbythetruestoryofthegreatestsecuritybreachinU.S.intelligencehistory,thisgrippingthrillerstarsChrisCooper,RyanPhillippe, ...,InspiredbythetruestoryofthegreatestsecuritybreachinU.S.intelligencehistory,thisgrippingthrillerstarsChrisCooper,RyanPhillippe, ...,...


The film is based on the life of convicted spy Robert Hanssen. Directed by Billy Ray (Shattered Glass), who co-wrote the script with Adam Mazer and William ...


Inspired by the true story of the greatest security breach in U.S. intelligence history, this gripping thriller stars Chris Cooper, Ryan Phillippe, ...

Watch Breach

Inspired by the true story of the greatest security breach in U.S. intelligence history, this gripping thriller stars Chris Cooper, Ryan Phillippe, ...

Breach (2020 film)

Breach, also titled Anti-Life, is a 2020 American science fiction action horror film directed by John Suits, starring Cody Kearsley, Bruce Willis, ...

Breach (2007)

FBI upstart Eric O'Neill enters into a power game with his boss, Robert Hanssen, an agent who was put on trial for selling secrets to the Soviet Union.

Breach (2007 film)

The film is based on the true story of Robert Hanssen, an FBI agent convicted of spying for the Soviet Union and later Russia for more than two decades. It ...

Breach (2020)

On the cusp of fatherhood, a junior mechanic aboard an interstellar ark to New Earth must outwit a malevolent cosmic terror intent on using the spaceship as ...


One of 2007's most underrated movies. A fantastic political thriller that builds character development as a key component to it's suspense. Chris Cooper is ...